You don't have to take my word for it…

My two blogs have been sorely neglected recently, what with me being preoccupied with pre-conference work and conference-related work. I've been spending half my [pure-work] time trying to make some headway on a big project that (surprise, surprise) is turning out to be more difficult and time consuming than I thought; and half my time preparing my talk and presentation for the ITA conference.

For various reasons, the time-slot allotted me is only 30 minutes. In previous years I had 45 minutes to talk. It's tough to squeeze everything I have to say on my topic into 30 min or less (leaving time for questions). The speaker before me has a whole 60 minutes. But then, she'll be speaking on the attractive subject of Facebook, whereas I'll be speaking on the touchy issue of customer complaints.

Assuming that there won't be time left for Q&A – unless I really zoom through my examples – I've designed my penultimate slide to compensate for that lack, and am suggesting to my audience – those who have not yet fallen asleep or run off for coffee and cake before the closing session – to drop me a line, and I'll answer their questions here on my blog. This seems to me an excellent solution. Will give me time to think carefully rather than shoot from the hip. I, for one, can think of lots of pertinent questions.

Now, the easiest way to give listeners my email address and blog URL is to hand out my business card. It carries my slogan – Take Nina's word for it – which, when Googled, directs you to my blog. Simple, right? No need to memorize or write anything down.

This reminded me of a colleague's objections to my slogan. She said it sounded smug or haughty or something like that. Her comment took my by surprise. I never thought of it like that. I was actually thinking of the more literal meanings of the phrase, not of its idiomatic import. As in-house chief editor of Hever Translators'Pool, I definitely wanted Hever's translators to take "my word"; my monthly Editor's Letter, with proposed and recommended solutions, was my way of establishing a sort of House Style Guide. Later, as self-employed, I wanted prospective clients to take "my word" rather than someone else's. I never meant it to mean, "listen, folks, believe me, I know best." I like giving my opinion, sure; but, being a skeptic, I applaud skepticism. In fact, I was actually considering opening another blog, entitled Don't Take My Word for It… but decided against it.

In brief, I urge you all:
  • Do come to my talk; I really don't fancy talking to myself. Besides, it should be fun.
  • Send me questions.
  • Read my blog for answers.
  • Keep an open mind. Be critical. Be skeptical. Consider my suggestions. Then take them or leave them.

See you soon in Jerusalem!


Anonymous said...

Any chance of you posting the slide show, since I wasn't there the last day?

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